Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Hymn

To the tune of LSB 822 - Alleluia! Let Praises Ring

The Saints sing out with one accord
Praises to our triumphant Lord
Who has won their salvation.
They behold now Christ, the Slain Lamb
Victorious, at God's right Hand
Who reigns in exultation.
Sing out, call out
Christ restoring
Man to glory
with His passion,
He has won now for us heaven.

We here on earth join in their song
we add our voice to their throng
For Christ is too our Savior
What they see now before their Lord
Is our sure great promised reward,
We are by Christ delivered
From sin and death
His blood pouring
life restoring
wondrous healing
by His death we have been given.

Until that day when with the Lord
We dine at that celestial board
Let us receive His Supper
for the forgiveness of all sin
*and the strengthening of faith in*
Christ, who has o'er death conquered.
He shall keep us
Til that day when
then in heaven
face to face now
with His saints we feast forever.

* that line might be better "and the strength'ning of our faith in" -- I don't know how well it would be sung.

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