Saturday, September 22, 2007

At Weedon's Request

Finally, I will try to figure this out. . . here is a picture of me bride from me honeymoon. This is from Davy Byrne's pub in Ireland - the same one from Joyce's Ulysseus. Note that she has a nice pint of Smithwick's ale.

As for me - here I am holding, yes, the superbowl trophy at the Waterford Crystal factory. They make three - one that is the real one, one that is a back up they take with them, and a third for reference. This is the reference copy of this year's trophy.

Finally, this is Celia and I at a fine pub in Kilkenny - I have a nice bowl of Guinness Stew - she has Chicken Volavent. The pints were of Kilkenny ale - the one we both liked best.


  1. See, one of the good things about mono is that you have time to do favors for your friends. :)

    Thanks for the pics! Looks like it was a great time. I'm jealous!

  2. Did you ever try Guinness?

    It tastes good with your steak too.
