Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A random - not quite theological post

I just found out that Nathan Fillion ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0277213/bio ) - who played the exquisite Mal on Firefly - and the evil crazy preacher Caleb on Buffy - attended college at Concordia Alberta. Is he Lutheran? Who knows - but at least we can take some credit for such a fine actor.

By the way - go watch Firefly - good show, even if the preacher on the show takes a mythological approach to Genesis 1-11. Seriously - reward yourself this reformation day time period with some mighty fine television on DVD. You could be a Browncoat someday too.

((muttering -- "Browncoats. Firefly fans get the cool nickname. I'm Pastor Brown. . . people who read my blog should be Browncoats."))

See - Pastors are people too. We have interests outside of just Church things. I'm a Cubs fan (and hence I understand the theology of the Cross). I like watching Japanese Animation - in part because I find Japanese culture fascinating, and nothing explains a culture like shows aimed at 8-14 year olds.

And you need to have a life outside of the Church too. Why? Your people do, and if you can't relate to the world outside, how are you supposed to be able to relate to them? And by this I don't me that you need to try to be "hip" and learn the "lingo" - cause you won't get it right and you will seem fake -- probably because you are being fake. But no, have a life, have some depth, and let that depth show -- and that way, when something comes up, you won't be just that religion guy - but you will be that religion guy who knows and understands what it's like -- whatever it may be.


  1. Hi, Preacher Man!

    Browncoat of New York City here and fellow church goer. I can't agree with you more about preachers having a life outside the church. I've been lucky to have had some great pastors at Marble Church in NYC.

    Keep spreadin' the word. Both of them!

    Dietcoke on most boards.

  2. Hello & blessings from a fellow Browncoat and preacher woman!

    'If yo can't do something smart, do something right' [G]

    [Reverend] Philippa Chapman

  3. Greetings Preacher man, glad to see you found the 'verse, and when you think about it, the whole concept of the show is Mal's loss of faith (in the pilot episode) and his journey of refinding it.

