Thursday, April 23, 2009


A few months ago a sat down for an interview with a Methodist pastor in Enid. His congregation was looking at various other denominations and looking at how they worship. Hall was called first and then gave my name. So I went, did the interview. Just got a letter and DVD back - so I'll see how I came off in a bit.

But here is the irony. Note the following paragraph:

We thoroughly enjoyed having "Lutheran" worship at Willow View. When we sang "O For A Thousand Tongues" a young woman on the front row that had been raised and confirmed in the Lutheran Church was moved to tears. She told me that she had not heard that song in years and appreciated your words in the video clip.

Alright. . . who wrote "O For a Thousand Tongues"? If you guessed Charles Wesley, famous Methodist, you get a cookie!

Gads, what would Scaer say?

1 comment:

  1. I am also moved to tears when I sing "O For A Thousand Tongues".

    ...subjective hymn with a cumbersome, prancy melody. Not my favorite.

    I do appreciate the irony. It reminds me of one of my own:

    There was a Roman Catholic wedding in my town. A young woman who was a friend of the wedding party stood up for special music and sang a song that mentioned the Virgin Mary.

    After the solo, the priest exclaimed, "Only in the Roman Catholic church can we hear such a beautiful song about the Blessed Virgin Mary!"

    Two problems:
    1. The vocalist was a Lutheran from my congregation.
    2. The composer of the chorale she sang was Bach.
