Thursday, May 2, 2024

Easter 6 Sermon


Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed! Alleluia +

    I'm going to make a distinction that is very important as we start this sermon. That distinction is between “asking a question” of someone and “asking for” something. While those are both “asking” - they really are different things. If you are questioning someone, it might be simply because you don't understand, or perhaps because you want to see if they understand. It's a knowledge sort of thing. If you are asking for something, it's because there is a need, a lack. Many of you may have asked for a bulletin today – can I have a bulletin. In our Gospel reading, Jesus uses words for both that questioning type of asking and also for that requesting type of asking, and it shapes how we understand what the life in the Church is. Listen.

    “In that day you will [question me about nothing.]” You'll note that I shifted the translation a bit, because the word that gets translated as “ask” here is that questioning sort of word. Because think about what the Disciples had had for three years. If they had a question, they could ask Jesus. What about this, Jesus – what about that? Well, that time of having Jesus on hand to ask questions is going away. You're not going to have Jesus around to be an information dump, disciples – because Jesus will die, rise, and ascend, and that means you'll be Apostles, you'll be the ones who are going to be answering the questions that all the new disciples in the future ask. That's shifting. And this is a shift we are pretty much all familiar with. You graduate from school, and you leave your teacher behind, and instead of just asking them stuff all the time, you have to put what they taught you into practice. There is a transition – there comes a point when you stop being the person who asks, “Hey dad,” and become the dad who is supposed to answer – your whiny cries of “moooom” because the whiny cries you yourself get to deal with. There is growth, there is maturation, there is the giving of responsibility. Now, disciples, you will be the ones teaching and serving and helping. This is the way growth happens.

    And Jesus, still teaching yet, brings up a fantastic nuance for the disciples here, with what their growth, their development means. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name.” Now, this “ask” isn't the questioning sort of ask – it's the requesting sort of ask – it's the praying form of ask. Well, wait, what's Jesus talking about here, Pastor – didn't the disciples pray? Yes – but, um, generally if they were hanging out with Jesus, Jesus led the prayers. And Jesus is bringing them a wonderful comfort. You've seen Me pray, and you've seen all that has come about by prayer – and that's not going away. You are authorized to pray in My name, to call upon the Father with My authority – to say “Our Father” - and the Father will listen to you and give to you just as He has and just as He would listen and give to Me. Jesus' ascension doesn't mean that prayer stops, that it loses its effectiveness. Nope, you disciples will be praying with all of Jesus' authority, and the Father will hear and will give the things you request in Jesus' name – the things that you pray for with Jesus' command.

    I'm a details sort of guy – I like knowing things. I often think of all the questions I might like to ask Jesus – little factoids about this or that. And here, Jesus reminds us that He gives both to the disciples who are becoming Apostles and also to the Church something far better than facts or behind the scenes details – He gives the gift of prayer. Our relationship with God is not about trivia; it is about God Himself actively giving us blessings of body and soul, of life and salvation – and we have been given authority, indeed, we have been instructed to use this gift of prayer so that we would still evermore receive God's good gifts and receive them rightly.

    We don't think of it this way often, but this service is one of prayer. Think of how much of this service together is really us gathered together in prayer. And by this I don't just mean the “official” prayers, like the prayer of the church or the collect of the day. No, almost all of it is prayer. If you in the congregation speak, there's prayer. Consider how many times you say, “Amen.” That's because there's been prayer. Consider how many things we ask of God – Lord have mercy, peace be with you – that's all prayer. Our hymns and our praise – as Thou has promised, draw us all to Thee – Guide me O Thou great Redeemer. Prayer. Here in this place we are gathered together by the Holy Spirit – and our lips are opened and Christian prayer comes forth – Christian prayer that is praise and thanksgiving and requests and intercessions – because that is what we are given by Jesus the authority and power to do – that's who we are in His Name as the Baptized children of God. People who pray. People who speak God's Word in prayer. We come together in our worship and pray, because worship itself is a form of prayer and prayer is a form of worship.

    But not just when we are together, and not just when Pastor Brown gets to lead it – you in your homes as a family, you as individuals on your own but not ever really on your own for the Holy Spirit is with you – you are given to pray. To give thanks to God, to call upon Him for blessings, to intercede and ask for healing and forgiveness and mercy for yourselves and for others. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. Pray so that your... joy. Now. Remember what joy is in the Scripture. Joy isn't, “Oh thank goodness my baseball team won” - because well, we don't all root for the same team so my joy in a Cub victory might not be so joyous for some of you who have bad taste in baseball teams. Joy isn't “I'm happy because these events have tickled my fancy.” No – Joy is the knowledge, the peace, the comfort, the reality of knowing that Christ Jesus is risen from the dead and that your sins are forgiven, and since forgiveness brings with it both life and salvation that you have life now and salvation now on account of Christ. That's joy, having that grounding, that peace – that's verse 22 that we heard two weeks ago – But I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. We are the people of the promise, we are the people of the joys of the resurrection and forgiveness – and we pray so as to live in that joy, in that truth, in that reality. You are a forgiven and redeemed child of God, bound for the resurrection – so speak like you are – pray. Praise and give thanks and take your burdens to God – because He is forgiving you and raising you.

    And yes, I did say burdens, because, well – again, Jesus will be blunt. I have said these things to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. Well, Jesus doesn't just say burdens – He says you'll have tribulations. You will have things that weigh upon you, press you down, try to drive you down into the ground. Of course you will, because you live in a sinful world and have to struggle against your sinful flesh – and Satan, the World, and even your own flesh are all trying to drive you into the ground. But because Christ has died and Christ has risen, because Christ has claimed you as His own in the waters of Holy Baptism, they can't really do anything to you. All they really do is drive you further and further into Christ. And I mean that literally – this is the mystery and wonder of the faith. Are you pressed and burdened by suffering – well, Christ came and suffered, and in truth you are simply sharing in His suffering, and you are made to rely more and more upon Him. Are you shown your sin and guilt – well, Christ came and bore that guilt and took up that sin, and so you are made to call upon Him for the forgiveness He gladly gives. Are you dying – well, Christ died, so even when you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, He's with you, and even when you get put in your tomb Jesus will raise you from yours just as He was raised from His. The tribulations of the world can do nothing to pull you from Christ – this is why Paul says  For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nope, they all in fact drive us into Christ.

    And prayer, Christian prayer, calling out to the Father in Jesus' name – praying and praising and thanking and receiving His gifts – that's all just living in and acknowledging this truth – that Jesus has been raised from the dead, and there's not a thing Satan or the world can do to change that. And so we pray – our lives are ones of prayer. And I'm not going to tell you to pray more, because that's not quite accurate. The Holy Spirit dwells within you; you are a temple of the Spirit – there is prayer unceasing within you constantly, because you are Holy, because you have been made Holy by the blood of Christ. But I'll encourage you to be more aware of prayer, to actively join in with the prayer life that your life is – to gather with your brothers and sisters in Christ in worship and to pray together consciously; to focus on and actually pray out loud on your own. Why? Not because you have to in some sort of lousy chore sort of way, but rather because take heart, I have overcome the world. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. Over and against all the junk in the world that we see more and more of, prayer puts you in and with Christ Jesus. In prayer, you speak with the Holy Spirit to the Father in Jesus name – the Triune God works not just upon you but with you and in you. Because in prayer, because in taking the Words of Jesus and praying them back in His Name to the Father by the Spirit, you live in, you are refocused upon the reality of who Jesus is, the gifts He has given you and continues to give you. You are loved by God, and the Father delights in hearing you, His forgiven children, and He delights in giving you blessings. As Paul says in 1 Thessalonians -  Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. This is why Jesus died and rose for you – so that you would have this joy and peace that lets you pray. And it is yours in Christ Jesus by the working of the Holy Spirit upon you. Amen. Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed, alleluia! +

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Easter 5 Sermon


Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! +

    I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel. That's how the explanation to the 3rd Article of the Creed from the Small Catechism begins, and it summarizes one of the most profound truths that the Scriptures teach, that we hear in our Gospel lesson. When it comes to our faith, when it comes to us believing in Jesus, knowing anything at all about faith, it all comes about not by our strength, but by the working of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, through the Word. The Holy Spirit is the Helper, the Comfortor, the Paraclete (if you prefer the old Greek word as I do) – the One who comes to us with the Word of God and grants us faith and understanding. The Spirit working faith in us by the Gospel is indeed to our benefit, and today, we will hear again and remember Jesus' Words about the Spirit, and the Spirit will do His Holy Spirit thing and declare the things of Christ to us, and having called and gathered us here around the Word the Spirit will enlighten, sanctify, and richly forgive us. Listen.

    When He [the Spirit, the Helper] comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. So right here for us, Jesus lays out what the Holy Spirit will do in the Church, what the Word of God preached and taught will do – because wherever the Word of God is proclaimed, the Holy Spirit will be there at work. The Spirit calls us by the Gospel, the Spirit works through the Word. You want the Holy Spirit to be at work in your life – then, as former LCMS President A.L. Berry would say, “Get in the Word.” And when we hear the Word of God, the Spirit is going to convict the world, the world which God the Father loved by sending His Son, so that whoever believes in Him because the Holy Spirit convicts the world would have everlasting life. The Spirit will convict – He will show you what you've missed, what you've failed to understand, and He will do so thoroughly. The Spirit will connect the dots for you, for people throughout the world. That's what the Spirit does – the Spirit takes the Word of God and counteracts sin, our sin that would confuse us and mislead us and derail us. The Spirit comes in and by the Word fixes that.

    And the Spirit convicts and fixes and corrects and redirects along three paths, in three angles. The first that Jesus mentions here is concerning sin. Concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me. The first thing the Holy Spirit does is the Holy Spirit reveals sin. Well, Pastor, isn't sin sort of obvious? Well, remember, you're saying that as a Christian, as someone whom the Holy Spirit has already spent a lot of time convicting about sin, teaching and showing and revealing sin. We're used to dealing with and confronting sin – it's how we start every service, it's part of every sermon or bible study here. But this is something that happens in your life because of the working of the Holy Spirit – and apart from the Holy Spirit revealing your sin to you, you won't, you can't see it. Consider David, when he gets all wrapped up in his affair with Bathsheba and murdering Uriah – David doesn't see, doesn't understand His sin... not until Nathan the prophet comes, and Nathan speaks, and the Spirit convicts David, and then by the power of the Spirit David sees his sin and confesses; then David will write in the 51st Psalm – Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Because without Thy Spirit, O Lord, I get lost and caught up in sin!

    And this is the reality – without the Spirit revealing sin to us, without the Spirit showing us our sin, we fall into folly. We fall into great shame and vice, and unbelief. And this is what we are in fact seeing when we see all the wickedness of sin around us – because the Spirit does make us to see sin at work in the world around us. We see unbelief and its fruit. Paul notes that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost. But if you don't see your sin, if you don't recoil from it, and if rather you dive on into it and delight in it, if you celebrate it and demand that it be validated and praised – well, that's because you don't believe that you're a sinner, because you don't believe in Jesus. And Satan and your sinful flesh will attack you, they will try to drive you into the morass of gross and open sin to destroy and crush your faith – and the Holy Spirit with great love for you will show you your sin and drive you to repentance. That's the first thing the Spirit does.

    The Spirit also convicts concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see Me no longer. The Holy Spirit will speak concerning righteousness – because again, the world apart from the Holy Spirit doesn't have a clue about what is actually right and good and just. Apart from Christ we will simply have people clamoring over their own hairbrained ideas and demanding their own way and coming up with crackpot schemes to fix this or that and everything in the world – and of course, these fixes only come about if we give them more power and do things their way.

    That's not righteousness. That's not how things get fixed. That's not how the sin that we see in ourselves, in the world, gets fixed. With might of ours could naught be done, soon were our loss effect. No, we need a righteousness far greater, far truer than any that we ourselves could muster. We need Jesus. We need Christ and His righteousness. All the plans of the world are junk – Christ Jesus is the One who fixes things. Jesus is the righteous One – the One who makes things right, who rescues us from sin, death, and the power of the devil, who redeems us, who restores us. And how does He do this? By going to the Cross, by His bitter suffering and death – in a little while, and you will not see me – remember from last week, that's Jesus talking about His crucifixion, where He fulfills all righteousness.

    So having shown you your sin, the Holy Spirit will show you your Savior – He will fix your eyes upon Jesus, the Author and Perfector of your faith. That's the Holy Spirit's job – and whenever you have any understanding of Who Jesus is and what He has done for you – the Holy Spirit has guided you into that truth. The reason you believe in Jesus is that the Holy Spirit has called you by the Gospel and enlightened you with His gifts. The Holy Spirit leads us away from trust in ourselves, trust in our own strength, our own power, our own reason and smarts, and He makes us to trust in Jesus and His righteousness. Because of what Christ Jesus has done, because of His death upon the Cross and His resurrection, you have forgiveness and life – and the Spirit is the One who actually delivers that forgiveness and life to you – He delivers it by the Word, whether it's the Word proclaimed, or the Word attached to water in Baptism, or the Word attached to bread and wine in the Supper. What we have taken to calling “the means of grace” are actually more properly called “the means of the Spirit” - they are the means, the ways, in which the Holy Spirit brings you Christ and His righteousness.

    And one more thing. The Spirit will convict concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. So, we live by the Spirit – by the Spirit we see our sin and then we see our Savior, we are brought to repentance and faith. But then we see the world around us, and so often it is a mess, a Christless and anti-Jesus mess. And this can threaten to overwhelm us, drive us into despair. And so the Holy Spirit speaks concerning judgment. And this is where that old term “Paraclete” is such a great word. It's translated here as “Helper” because hardly no one knows what a paraclete was anymore, but it's worth learning. In the Ancient world, if you were in court, and you had someone leveling vile accusations against you, and threatening you with ruin, you were allowed to have a paraclete – someone who would be along side you (para – like parallel, like side by side) and who would talk (clete, call out) to you and help you, advise you, encourage you, console you. Your defense lawyer who would see you through the case over and against the ravings of your enemy.

    That's what the Holy Spirit does – the Spirit is your Perry Mason, your Matlock, your Atticus Finch. And when the world rants and raves at you, and you see the power of Satan roaring and raving, and it's fearful and it's intimidating, the Spirit is the One who leans over and says, “Don't worry – He's already lost – it's done and dusted and he's just in denial. He's judged, the deed is done, one little word can fell him.” And what is that word – well, we've been saying it all Easter – Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. The Spirit holds the judgment of God before our eyes – the judgment that you are alive in Christ, and in Christ you are forgiven, redeemed, and bound for the resurrection, and that Satan, the ruler of this messed up world, is bound for hell. This world's prince may still scowl fierce has he will – he can harm us none. That what the Spirit will remind you of in the Word.

    And the Spirit continually and repeatedly works, because we can't keep this all in, we can't have all of this wondrous stuff that Jesus does for us in our heads at the same time – it's too big, to wondrous for us. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. We cannot process the entirety of what Christ has done for us at any one time. So Jesus sends the Spirit – When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all the Truth. The Spirit guides you now into all the things about Jesus, about Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life that you need. The Spirit applies, delivers, gives you the Jesus that you need as you need Him. He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. Everything you need to know about Jesus, about the Father (for all that the Father has is Mine), this is what the Holy Spirit brings to you and reveals to you and makes you to understand.

    So that's what the Holy Spirit does. And no, we don't talk about the Holy Spirit all the time, but in large part that is because the Holy Spirit is busy focusing us and fixing our eyes upon Jesus. And whenever you see Jesus, whenever you understand how sin attacks and how Christ's righteousness wins out forgiveness and that Satan is defeated – that's the Spirit at work upon you and with you and in you for your good, to be your paraclete, your Helper, just as Jesus sent Him to you to be, just as Jesus poured Him upon you in Holy Baptism to be. The Spirit is indeed the Lord, the giver of life – because He gives you Jesus. And while no man may say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit – you have been given the Spirit, and thus together we gladly confess that Jesus has forgiven us and given us life and crushed Satan. Let us confess it by the Spirit again! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! +

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Easter 4 Sermon

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!

    So, by now does that opening seem a little. . . old to you? Christ is Risen – we know – and Easter was three weeks ago, isn’t it done? Now, in the Church, we are in the Easter season for 7 weeks, but socially, you don’t see many Easter decorations out and about anymore. The Cadbury Eggs have already been marked down and sold off, the lilies are fewer and fewer, and things seem like they are just back to normal and pressing on to the next thing. Just finished the taxes, and now the planting and the end of school and summer plans are all barreling towards us. A joyous shout of Christ is Risen/ He is Risen indeed, Alleluia – that almost seems out of place now, out of time.

    It’s not that Easter isn’t worth celebrating this long – it’s not that we shouldn’t continually rejoice – but our celebrations in this world – it’s just hard to have them last this long, isn’t it? This makes sense. Life in this world is hard. It’s hard to focus even unto today on the joys of Easter when that’s three weeks in the past, three weeks of hardship, three weeks of aches and pains, three weeks of busy-ness, three weeks of perhaps sore trials and sorrows, three weeks of things that have gone wrong, terribly wrong. How do we keep up, how do we maintain the joy of Easter for this long?

    Jesus knew that this would happen. You see, Jesus knows us and understands us better than we ourselves do – He knows and understands the burdens and struggles that we face in this life, the challenges and sorrows – how it can wear down a person. So, on the night when He was betrayed, there in the Upper Room with the disciples, Jesus takes some time to speak to His disciples about what life will be like after the Resurrection – words of comfort that make up the entirety of John 16, that set the stage for what life will be like in the New Testament Church. And those words are what we will be looking at until we celebrate Pentecost – those words are the words the Disciples kept in their minds as they waited for the Holy Spirit. So, even though we may be tired or worn with care, let us listen to our Lord’s Words from the Gospel and see what gifts He gives us through them.

    A little while, and you will see Me no longer, and again a little while, and you will see Me. This phrase gets repeated three times here in this passage, and although the disciples didn’t see then and there on that evening what Jesus meant, with the benefit of time and the writing of John’s Gospel, we do see. That Thursday evening would yield to Good Friday – less than 24 hours later and the disciples would have seen Jesus Crucified, put to death – taken away from them. They wouldn’t see Him any longer. Christ knows this is coming – but He also knows the resurrection is coming. They will see Him again, He will come to them after the resurrection and be with them. But His Words are true again - A little while, and you will see Me no longer, and again a little while, and you will see Me. Christ doesn’t hang out with the disciples very long after Easter. On the 40th day He ascends – and there is sorrow and wonderment. But as the disciples learned from His death and resurrection – this parting is only a temporary one. The One who has gone to the Father will prepare for them a home for all eternity. While they don’t see Jesus in the days after the Ascension, that is only for a little while – and then will come to them the joys of being reunited for eternity with Christ in the very life everlasting that He has won for them.

    What we remember, what we know, dear friends – is that we here now are living in that same little while of the disciples. We know that the day shall come when we shall see Christ face to face, whether that happens when He comes again, or whether we should die before the last day – either way, we shall see Him. We live out our lives in that time of the little while – but what we remember is the same thing the disciples remember. Yes Christ died, but Christ rose – and He is good to His Word. If He says that for a little while you won’t see Him, but then you will again – His Word is true. We, likewise behold Christ’s death and resurrection, and we know that He will be true to His Word. That is why we can confess that we look forward to the resurrection of the dead, that we expect the life of the world to come. We know it is coming.

    But that doesn’t mean that our time, the little while we have here on earth, that doesn’t mean that this little time won’t be filled with difficulty. There are struggles and trials and sorrows – some that others cause us, many that we foolishly cause ourselves. While we still are sinners in this sinful world, there will be sorrow. Hear how Christ describes this: Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. The disciples would see this quickly. How they must have lamented when Christ was crucified. I can’t imagine. And yet, as they would soon understand, even that sorrow was turned to joy at our Lord’s Resurrection. They would see the pattern – sorrow turns to joy. And this is what the Disciples remembered as they went out after Pentecost day to preach the Gospel. In their work, in their lives, there was much sorrow. There were persecutions, there were stonings and crucifixions of their own to face – all while the world rejoiced. For the Early Christians there would be lions to devour them while the crowds cheered. There would be faithful people hounded by the wicked. But always, there was the promise of joy, joy to come, joy that is theirs with Christ.

    We must learn and remember what they learned and remembered – for God is true to His Word. Does the world around you rejoice as you suffer? Do people seem to delight in making your life more difficult? Do you have to always be wary of the next scam or raw deal, do you have people who would rejoice to see you stumble? Yeah – and that’s the way it is in this world. And when we look at that – it’s easy to get down, to get overwhelmed, to get depressed. But there is a truth that we remember. Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed, alleluia. That is true. The Sorrow of the Crucifixion moves onto the joy of the resurrection – and we need to learn from that how God works. He does not abandon us, He does not forsake us – but rather we can know and be sure that our sorrows turn to joy – that whatever it is in this life will indeed pass – that these sorrows will not overwhelm us – and that all of them will eventually yield and go away at the return of our Lord.

    When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. Again, another example to learn from. Sorrow leading unto joy. Childbirth is a mighty painful thing – and frankly I don’t like pain at all. Yet, women go on through it, and then have the joy of their child. God sees us through trials and into joy and happiness.

    But notice something, and this is important. There is going to be sorrow in your life. There are going to be days that don’t feel all that great – there are going to be times when the world around you rejoices at your suffering. That happens. Jesus tells us that this will happen. So don’t believe people who say that it won’t. Don’t listen to the false preachers who claim that all the joy in the world can be yours right now and forever – because all the joy of the world is hollow and vacant and fades away. There will be sorrow in this world, because this world is full of sin – and anyone who tries to convince that in this life you can completely avoid sorrow – well, they are trying to sell you on the joys of sin. But that isn’t our joy. Our joy is that which comes from God. And so dear Christian friends – we don’t live our lives as Christians trying to pretend that nothing bad will ever happen, we don’t live our lives for the sake of our stomach or our wallets – we don’t approach this life fearing what may or may not come. The Christian life is different. Listen to what Peter teaches us – For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. Sorrows and suffering and injustice comes – that happens – but how do we face them? We face them mindful of God. We know the promises of God, and we know that His promises are true. We have seen the world do it’s worst to our Lord and Savior – and yet He rose again. We have seen Christians before us tortured and put to death even – but they have the joys of heaven before them now. We have seen even our friends and loved ones who have fought the good fight of faith – and it is a fight, it is a struggle – and we know that they now rest from their labors. And they faced all of this mindful of God – as do you, for you too remember Christ’s death and resurrection and know that it is your own – that just as Christ was raised, so too you will be raised – and that joy no one can take away.

    What a gift we have from Jesus, that confident in Him, we are given this defiant joy in the face of all the troubles in the world. We know that there is nothing that can undo Easter, we know that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. Not the busy-ness of the past weeks, not wars and rumors of war, not whatever the summer holds, or even November. No, dear friends, we are right to repeat our cries of Easter joy – we are right to gather here around Jesus' Words and Jesus' own supper no matter what sorrow we face. Christ Jesus has conquered all – and we know that our sorrow will turn to joy. This is most certainly true. Christ is Risen – He is risen indeed, alleluia – Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Easter 3 Sermon


Christ is Risen - He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia +

    The image of Christ, the Good Shepherd, is one of the most popular images we have in Christianity. How many pictures of Jesus have Him holding a sheep, or out in a pasture? We have the “Little Lambs” preschool precisely because Jesus is the Good Shepherd. I bet there are dozens of images and pictures of Jesus with sheep around here. Of all the things that Jesus does – of all the images he gives, the image of the Good Shepherd rises to the fore so often. Now, there are two places where we really get the idea of Christ as a Shepherd. One is the parable of the lost sheep in Luke, the other is our Gospel today. Let us, then, spend some time seeing what we learn from Christ describing Himself as our Good Shepherd.

    I am the Good Shepherd. This is a profound statement, and part of it we miss in English. In Greek, you wouldn’t need the word “I” there. . . you would only add it for emphasis. This isn’t just (i) am the Good Shepherd. . . this is I!!! AM the Good Shepherd. Do you want to know how this would sound to the person listening? Let’s jump back to Exodus 3. Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His Name?’ what shall I say to them?” Then God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” If you were a Jew, you never used the construction “I Am” – that was reserved for God. In modern Hebrew, they don’t even have a phrase to say “I Am”, that’s how serious of a phrase this is. I Am the Good Shepherd. When Jesus speaks this simple, short sentence, He is openly claiming and announcing His Divinity, He is saying in neon, bold letters that He is God, that He is the LORD. That’s really what John 10 is all about. The next section, in verse 22, is where Jesus says bluntly I and the Father are One.

    So what does this mean – what does it imply that God Himself claims to be the Good Shepherd? This teaches us about our relationship to God. I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. What a fantastic picture of God’s care for us. Let’s look at this from God’s point of view. Think of how this describes His care for us. We can understand this. Farmers, think of some of the conditions you go out into to feed your livestock. You have responsibility towards your animals, and you must care for them. This is God’s attitude towards you. . . He must care for you. If God is going to be God, He must care for you, He must provide for you. This is what we mean when we say “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” This is fundamentally who God is, the One who made you, and it is part of who He is to take care of you. And this imagery of the Good Shepherd also describes your relationship to God. You know Him. Part of what it is to be a Christian is to look at the world differently – we see the workings of our God, we know His hand. When we look at the blessings we have in our life, we don’t just say “Wow, look at everything I have earned – see how wonderful I am, see all my stuff!” No, we say, “Look at how God has blessed me, see what He has given to me.” We are sheep who receive our Lord’s care, we know and see that care, and we give thanks for it. This is what it means when Jesus says I Am the Good Shepherd – it means that when we see Christ in Scripture we are seeing the God who made and cares for us – this is the perspective we have to keep whenever we look at what Christ does. In His own Word, in His Scriptures, we hear His voice, we learn to know Him and know what He does for us. And what is the highest thing He does for us?

    I AM the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. Because we are so familiar with this statement, we can forget how astounding it is. Why in the world would a shepherd die for sheep? They are just sheep, after all. Would any of you trade your life for a sheep’s life – it seems like such a strange idea. But Jesus goes on to explain the distinction that He is making. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. The key there, the key to understanding this passage, is the phrase “who does not own the sheep”. We can be very tenacious in defending our own, in protecting that which belongs to us. We understand this. If you want to watch a mother become upset, threaten her children. A soldier, he isn’t just out there for fun, what’s he doing? He’s defending his family, his home, his country.

    But even these images that we can understand don’t quite fully explain the Shepherd’s attitude towards us. It gives us a picture, but to really get the full impact, we need to pause and think about something. Anything that we have, our stuff – it’s not really ours. All that we have is simply gift, simply God providing for us – family and friends, house and home, everything that I need to preserve this body and life. My dad – he isn’t mine as though I own him, he’s the father God has provided me with. He belongs to God. If you have kids, they are a gift to you from God. If you have a dog, God has blessed you by letting you have the company of a dog which is His creature. We don’t really own anything – all that we have belongs to God.

    And we are His sheep. Think on this – think on the care that we will give to things and stuff that can be here today and gone tomorrow, the whole Lord giveth and taketh away idea. This is the care we who are sinful give even to things that aren’t ours – now imagine the care that our Holy and Righteous God gives to His sheep. We are God’s creatures, literally. We have our existence simply because God wants us to exist. Why is God willing to lay down His life for us, why does Jesus go through all the things He does? Because we are His, and He will defend us tirelessly from any and all who would scatter us. No one has a bigger stake in you, no one has more involvement in your life, than God. And He will care for you, He will lay down His life for you so that you will be His forever, so that like Him you too will rise.

    And do you see the contrast that is formed? The hired hand flees. That’s talking about us, you realize. We are all hired hands, we have been given things to take care of by God. God is the one who owns stuff, we are simply stewards and caretakers – and we flee and fail. How often, just this past week, have you abused the charges you have been given by God? How many times this past week have you treated poorly your spouse, or your kids, or your neighbor – any of the people God places into your life simply so that you can serve and provide for them? Has your time been rightly used, to say nothing of your treasure? We so often forget that these are gifts, and rather than treating them appropriately, we abuse them for our own enjoyment. We live at the expense of our neighbor instead of giving ourselves to them.

    Thankfully Christ Jesus doesn’t have our attitude. He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. What a wonderful example of love. I mean, here you Christ looking at us, and we exist simply because He has created us, and you can see the depths of His love for us by what He is willing to endure for our sake. And it’s not a matter of practicality, it’s not a matter of Jesus will wash our back and now we’ll wash His. . . we are in a position where we don’t have anything to give Him of ourselves – we can only reflect back His love, use the gifts which He has given to us for His pleasure. And yet, He will lay down His life for us. That is love. That is God Almighty saying that He values you and your well being more than He values His own.

    And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. One thing to remember about this passage is that this talk comes when Jesus is conversing and arguing with some of the Jews. He’s dealing with people who had that, sadly familiar, attitude of misplaced pride and self worth. And Jesus says, “You know what guys, I’m not here just for you, I want all my sheep, I want all my creation. I will speak My Word, and from all over the world My sheep will hear and follow Me.” You don’t have to be living in Israel to be one of God’s people today – indeed all over the world Christ’s Church heeds the Word of the Shepherd and follows His lead. All over the world, Christians gather around Christ the Crucified being preached, Christ the Crucified being given to eat and to drink in His supper. Did you catch that in the Old Testament lesson today? So I will seek out My sheep, and I will rescue them from all the places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and will bring them into their own land. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel. When are we rescued? On a day of clouds and thick darkness. And lo, from the 6th hour until the 9th hour there was darkness over all the land. God is speaking about the Crucifixion here. That’s where it happens, that’s where we who were scattered and scampering about in our sin were won by Christ. Today, what are we gathered around? We are at our home, at our Father’s house – we are here to hear Christ Crucified preached. This is where our Good Shepherd calls us to feed us with His own Body and Blood from this very altar. This is how our Resurrected Lord rules today, this is where He gathers us and cares for us. This is our Israel, our Holy Land, because this is where God has chosen to give us His blessings.

    I AM the Good Shepherd. Thanks be to God our Father, that He has sent His Son Christ Jesus into the world to gather us unto Himself. Christ did not flee the wolf that came, but fought, suffered, died, and rose again to victory – and because of His Victory, we have life eternal in the pastures of the Lord. Christ is Risen - He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia + Amen.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Easter Day (John) Sermon


Christ is Risen – He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia +

    The day was dawning, the day above all other days, the day that the world had waited untold centuries for. In a garden long ago the LORD had told Adam and Eve that this day, this great day, this wondrous day would come, and it was here. And in the thin light of morning Mary Magdalene re-entered the garden, but she did not know yet what day it was. Mary thought it was a grave day, a dirty day, a day where she'd spend the morning with the other women cleaning a corpse, making herself unclean. It was a day she thought she'd spend in a dark tomb, no light, no hope. She thought it was, like so many others since the fall, a day of death.

    So, since Mary didn't know what day it was, her reaction upon seeing the stone rolled away from the tomb was understandable. There was fear, panic, disgust. Was it to be a day of violence, a day of robbery, a day of confrontation and fights and pain? In that case better go get the boys – So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him.” Do you hear it – They, the enemy, the people you must now go and fight – they have taken Him and they've just dumped him somewhere. This violence, this desecration must not stand. Up and at 'em, Peter and John. You're summoned to a fight. Jesus had told you, Peter, to put your sword away, but that's all done now – a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! There will be a fight, there will be blood today. That's all Mary thought she had left.

    Peter and John didn't know what day it was either. For them it had been a shame day – where Peter's own denials echo in His head – the last thing Jesus says to him is chiding Peter for his brash sword play. The last time Peter had seen Jesus was with the rooster's crow and Peter's own denials still in the air. That's where Peter's at. For the disciples it was a fearful day – they didn't want to fight, because they knew they would lose – with might of theirs could naught be done. That's why they'll be spending this evening behind locked doors (as we'll hear next week). Yet summoned they go, off to the tomb. Young John outpaces old Peter, gets to the tomb first, and when John “stoop[ed] to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there.” Now it's a confusing day, because if you are going to steal a corpse, you take the line cloths. They're wrapped around the body, and they give you a way to carry it – a ready made stretcher. Why would they be laying there?

    Peter, slower but bolder, barges in. He actually runs into the tomb – He saw the linen cloths lying there, and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus' head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself. Now it's just a weird day – who folds stuff and puts it away in the middle of a robbery? Who pillages the grave of someone but tidies up at the same time? Peter and John just don't understand, it is a baffling day. And then they just go home. There's no enemies here, we don't know what's going on – but let's head home and hide some more.

    And Mary is left alone. What a lonely day. Ditched by the very people she had gone to for help. And Mary, in the midst of her tears, finally looks inside. And there are angels – how wondrous, right? Not yet, actually. Throughout history, since the fall, angels had to tell people not to be afraid, had to cut through terror before they could talk... and here's Mary, on this joyous morning as they have good, great, wondrous news... and she's not even really noticing them. She's so caught up in sorrow that she basically ignores them. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” Even the angels are baffled at this – this isn't how people react when angels show up, angels don't get ignored. Well, they do today. Through her sobbing, Mary mopes “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” Then she just turns her backs on the angels, uninterested in them. I don't think that happens any where else in the Scriptures – that's a new one.

    And Mary turns around and she sees Jesus standing in front of her – except, she doesn't really see Jesus, doesn't recognize Him, she doesn't realize it's Him. Because that's the sort of day it's been for Mary – just all messed up. Jesus said to her, “Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Oh, this is a fantastic line from Jesus. This is a great set up – it would be typical for people to be crying in a cemetery, crying by a tomb. If you ever come across someone in a graveyard and they are crying, you don't really have to ask them why. So Jesus adds on the “Whom are you seeking?” Now, understand what this question is – you know in a movie where the bad guys are hunting the hero, and the hero pops out and says, “Oh, were you looking for me” and then saves the day. That's what this line is – this is Jesus' “ta-da” moment... and Mary misses it. Completely. Supposing him to be the gardener she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Ta-da indeed. Now it's a deflating day – Christ the Lord is ris...[dour sigh]. But that's the thing – Mary doesn't see Jesus yet, this day, she doesn't know Jesus yet this day, not the risen Jesus, not the living Jesus, not the Heroic, Victorious, Life and Salvation bringing Jesus. And so Mary is still trapped in one of the old, dark, dirty, dour, depressing, desperate days. She doesn't know what day it is yet.

    Time to have Mary see. Jesus said to her, “Mary.” Mary, come on, get with the program. I'm not dead, not anymore, because I have been raised from the dead, just like I had told you I would be. I had said everything was finished, I took up the burden of sin and death – this is what had to come next. Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia. Now all the vault of heaven resounds, because that vault over there is empty. Look, your Redeemer lives – like even old Job knew I would!

    And now finally, only when she hears her name, for faith comes by hearing, does Mary see what day it is. The Day of resurrection, the New Day, the Day that undoes all those dark days, the day the points to the Last Day where all the dead will be raised and it will be joyous and wondrous and everything made right and of course we're in a Garden, but it's not the Garden where man fell, now it's the Garden where a Man, the Man, Christ Jesus rose. Death has given way to life, the life of Jesus. And He's real, Mary sees Jesus, and she cries out teacher – and then she, well, I'm going to use a very technical term... Mary glomps Him. Just double arm wrap and stuck there and not going anywhere. This is why Jesus says, “Do not cling to me...” except that sounds too formal in English. The word literally means to fasten to someone, to stick to them like glue. So, a glomp. But Jesus has some stuff to do – yes, I am risen Mary, but I probably should report in to the Father, report in person, as a living man, to the Father, I should declare in person that My job is done. So I'm going to do that, and I will see you later – but you go tell the Disciples what's going on. Got it? And Mary does – she heads to the disciples again, and she tells them what this day really is, the Day of Resurrection. The Lord's Day.

    My dear friends in Christ, we all see many sorts of days in our time here on Earth. And we all know that some days are rougher than others. And many days are down right miserable. And I mean that truly, honestly. Mary, Peter, John – they were all having horrible days as our Gospel text begins – truly wretched days. They happen – and when they come upon us, they dominate our vision, and understandably so. Sometimes necessarily so – because there are times when loving your neighbor means hardship and suffering – Good Friday happened. But there is something else to see, to know, to understand. If we spoke Spanish, we wouldn't call this “Sunday” - we'd call it “Domingo” - the Lord's Day. Because it is – it is the first day of the week, the day on which Jesus rose from the dead, the day which means all other days you face, whether they be filled with wonder or filled with struggle, all other days yield to this one. Christ Jesus is risen from the dead, sin is forgiven, death is defeated, and Satan cannot gainsay any of it. And in fact, in truth, in reality, every day is the Lord's Day, a day where Christ Jesus comes to you in His Word, in His Supper, to open your ears and your eyes and have you taste and see that the Lord is God – a new first day, again and again, where you are forgiven and have life in Christ's name. Cling not, but hear, take and eat, take and drink – see, Christ is here with forgiveness, life, and salvation for you. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Because whatever the day brings, whatever is put on your plate – Jesus is risen, and He is risen for you. And even if in your sorrow or our busyiness or whatever you don't see Him clearly – Jesus sees you clearly. He has even called you by name right there at the font, and you are bound to Him, tied to Him, fastened to Him for a resurrection of your own and eternal life. In Christ Jesus, Risen from the dead, my friends, all of you, have a joyous Easter Day. Amen. Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed, alleluia! +

Easter Day (Mark) Sermon


Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed, alleluia! Amen +

    The ladies were not in their right mind. They were besides themselves with grief and sorrow. If you have lost a loved one, if you've had to go through any sort of funeral planning for a loved one, you know what I'm talking about here – where questions come from out of the blue and you don't know how to handle things or plan or make decisions or follow through with them. Because as we see Mary Magdalene and Mary and Salome heading to the tomb that morning – they are trying to do funeral planning. Because Jesus hadn't had His funeral yet, well, not a proper one. He had died just before Sundown, just before the Sabbath started – and while Joseph of Arimathea had tended to the Body... well, gals, can you really trust the guys to make things as neat and tidy and as they should be? And so these women are headed to the tomb to get the job of burying Jesus done right. They go looking to care for a corpse, that's their goal.

    But they're not thinking rightly. They get up incredibly early, get together and head to the tomb, and we hear, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?” Oh, there's a practical problem here that they hadn't thought of – which again, something utterly typical to come across when funeral planning. The stone. The big, heavy stone in front of the tomb – who's going to open it? How are we going to get in, how are we going to have access to Jesus' corpse? Do you get the mindset of these women, where they are, what they are thinking? The tension, the emotion that has to be there in them?

    And they get to the tomb, and it's opened. Already. Their problem that they realized was solved for them before they even got too it. But someone else solving your problems for you – we don't always assume that's a good thing. It might not be done right. It might mean trouble. So the gals enter on into the tomb – and there's a young man dressed in white there – which isn't what they expect. People dressed in white, clean clothes don't generally hang around in the cemetery – we don't expect to see anyone in white robes just sitting on a tomb stone today. And this young man tells them that Jesus is risen – Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He has risen; He is not here. See the place where they laid Him!

    Matthew notes for us that this fellow is an angel – the angel who rolled back the stone from the tomb, who scared off the guards. And think about how great it would be to be this angel, to get this assignment, to be the one who gets to announce that Christ is Risen. The joy, the delight – ah, I will give good news to these poor, sorrowing women. Oh, and I'll have them go and tell the disciples what's going on! Isn't this a great day? “And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” And the women's reaction wasn't what was expected – they flee, they are shaking and are besides themselves. They can't process, they can't understand. Eventually the word gets to disciples – more on that at second service – but in the moment, in the shock, the surprise, they just can't comprehend.

    For they were afraid. That's how Mark's account of Easter morning ends. And it seems like such a strange ending – especially when compared with all the pretty dresses and the Easter eggs and candy, and breakfast, don't forget breakfast coming. But here right now, we still remember the darkness before the dawn, how dim it was outside walking on into church today – and Mark's Gospel reminds us of a profound truth. Sometimes in this life, even on Easter – we might still see a bit more of the dimness. Sometimes, even hearing wonderful things, we might know the fear that we feel. It might seem like such a downer, almost an anti-Easter idea to have a focus on fear and worry – but it's not that. Mark's Gospel is defiant here, actually it's most defiant. Even if you are fearful, even if there is sorrow, even if you are mourning – the Easter message is still proclaimed to you! But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you. Jesus still ends up seeing these gals, in spite of their fear. His word holds true, just as He had said. He's risen, and nothing will stop Jesus from fulfilling His Word – not death, not all the powers of the world, not Satan, not sin, nothing – nothing stops Jesus from fulfilling His word.

    You will see Him, just as He told you. Well, this morning there's a fellow here in a white robe – no longer a young man (even though some of you are kind and say that I am), and I get to proclaim that same message – Jesus is risen, and you know what – come what may, whatever has been going on, whatever comes, you, you here in this room, you will see Jesus, just as He has told you. Because that is what Jesus has told you – that's the promise of your baptism. There's a reason we confess the creed as part of the rite of Baptism, and there's a promise there – He will come again! There is the resurrection of the body and the everlasting life. Because Easter happened – because Jesus rose – He is not in His tomb, and sin is forgiven and death is defeated. And you – you will see Him – He will come again, and then, when He does, all the tombs will be emptied, and the sea will give up its dead, and you will see Him – and that will be good, good for you, grand, far more wondrous than you or I can comprehend right now. The problems we don't think of until we think of them too late – Jesus has already got them solved – no stone is left unturned or unrolled away in His plan of salvation for you.

    And so, my friends, again, do not be alarmed, do not let what fears or worries you have carry the day, for big though they may be, they aren't as big or as powerful as this – Christ Jesus has been raised from dead. Now, the mortal will put on immortality, the perishable will be made imperishable, for death has been swallowed up in victory. Sin and death, they're done for – they tangled with Christ Jesus and they lost – see, He is risen. And so shall you – either from your grave when He calls you forth on the Last Day, or if we live until then we get resurrected, changed, in the twinkling of an eye. The tomb is empty, Christ has won, and therefore, because He loves you, His baptized brothers and sisters, you win as well. Amen. Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia! +

Good Friday Tenebrae Sermon


In the Name of Christ the Crucified +

    Whom do you seek? As the mob breaks into the quiet garden, this is the question Jesus asks of them. Whom do you seek? It was a formality, a bit of being prim and polite on Jesus' account – you always show respect to the cops, even if they are corrupt. You be quiet and comply, especially so your friends can escape. And this mob, this band of soldiers sent on the most dubious of missions, knows that they are supposed to arrest one Jesus of Nazareth, and they say so. They were thinking this might be a fight, a rough one – the soldiers are all ready to rumble and tussle and physically apprehend this troublemaker as he dashes off to flee.

    But no, something astonishing happens. Jesus looks at them, at these big tough soldiers, and Jesus simply says, “Ego eimi – I AM.” These poor sods were expecting to show some big city justice to some country bumpkin preacher, and instead they find God Almighty, the great I AM in human flesh. They recoil, they fall to the ground. Nothing would be more shameful for a soldier – that fearsome mob becomes fearful and craven and perhaps a little wise, because hitting the dirt is the right thing to do when a sinner comes into the presence of God.

But Jesus just asks again. Whom do you seek? Don't you have a job to do boys? I have a job to do too, this day, and as distasteful as both our tasks are, we should stand up and be about it. Let's get this show on the road. I told you that I AM, so time for you to obey – arrest Me; let My disciples go. These poor soldiers are so shocked that they don't even respond when Peter launches his clumsy attack. And very quietly Jesus restores peace – let's all get the swords into their sheathes, they aren't needed now. There will be a spear, but that will be later.

    Whom do you seek? That is the question Jesus asked of the guards, but even though they knew they sought Jesus of Nazareth, they didn't know, they didn't really understand who this Jesus actually was, and getting to see Him, they were dumbfounded. But Jesus' question is also asked of you this night. Whom do you seek? When you come here to His House, be it tonight, be it whenever, Whom do you seek? What sort of Jesus are you hoping to find? There are all sorts of types of Jesus people might hope to encounter – probably not a One we can simply arrest sort of Jesus – but there are all so many expectations we can create, we can bring. Maybe it's a Jesus who would tell us that we're good and our enemies are bad, or a validating Jesus, or maybe even an angry Jesus who will shake His fist at us but we can placate Him somehow. We're sinful human beings, and our perception of Jesus gets shifted and twisted all the time. But tonight, hearing His passion, we hear, we see Jesus. The real Jesus. The Jesus who seems so full of contradictions. The Jesus at His most powerful, the make big strong men drop to the ground like scared little kids I AM God Almighty Jesus – who yet doesn't use any of that power that He could show so casually to smite His enemies, or to run away, or to save Himself. It's the real Jesus, the Messiah Jesus, the Savior Jesus, the Good Shepherd Jesus. That's who we see.

    The Real Jesus goes quietly to His doom, like a sheep that is silent before its shearers. The Real Jesus suffers abuse and injustice – because He came to rescue and redeem us sinners who suffer abuse and injustice. He came to save us sinners who casually abuse and are unjust, unfair to our own neighbors. Where the sin, where the trouble is, there the One who will fix it must be.

    The Real Jesus stands before the angry council, and He doesn't try to butter them up. He doesn't placate them – He doesn't them offer something extra, something special. No, just what I've preached in the synagogues and the temple is what I preach, and there's no angle, no game, no grift. And there's no extra secret levels or degrees, where you oh so important people get something more. The Real Jesus is honest and open, not secret. The Real Jesus comes for all His creation, and He doesn't give you extra goodies, no VIP spiritual swag bag for anyone.

    The Real Jesus takes it when slapped in the face. He doesn't look for a reason to be offended – He knows the depths, the depravity of sin – indeed, He is planning on taking it up and crucifying it. He doesn't need to feign shock – the Real Jesus knows that this outrage and insult is as nothing – it's not even the tip of the sinful iceberg. Let the insult be – let's focus on the truth. Didn't you hear what I preached? What I say is right. Hear, believe, repent, and live.

    The Real Jesus stands before Pilate after He is shuffled over to him. Pilate is a savvy politician who knows how the game is played, and Pilate knows a railroad job when he sees one. And Pilate offers Jesus a way out, multiple ways out. But the Real Jesus doesn't take them, doesn't seek to take the path of least resistence when it comes to His neighbor's good, to Pilate's good. If Pilate himself is ever going to be rescued out of this political mire, if any leader is going to be able to get through this mess and be forgiven, Jesus has to go to the Cross. So Jesus doesn't try to talk His away out of it with Pilate. The Real Jesus, the Word of God made flesh Jesus doesn't use His Words to satisfy Himself. But Pilate still tries to get Jesus out of it – Pilate knows how a mob works – maybe it can be placated. What if I beat Jesus – will that make Him sympathetic to you? What if I offer to let someone go free? Jesus knows these ploys will not work. Jesus did not come to receive sympathy, but rather out of His sympathy for you, the Real Jesus comes to share in your suffering and pain. Sympathy is literally “same passion” - “same suffering” after all. And here we see the Real Jesus walk right into the suffering and pain we get as a result of our sin, of being sinners in a sinful world. And He does this so that we might go free, that we would be released from the powers of sin and death and the Devil. The Real Jesus walks on into those hellish powers so that we may go free.

    The Real Jesus bears His own cross to Golgotha. Not really His, but yours, mine. Our punishment, our doom. Jesus takes that up instead. The Real Jesus is lifted up upon the cross – cursed is everyone who hangs upon a tree, yet at the same time behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. There it is, this is what He came to do, to dive on in to all sin and suffering, to be a magnet drawing all sin and all its consequence unto Himself, to drain to the dregs that bitter cup. This is the Real Jesus, the Christ the Crucified Jesus. The Real Jesus, who even in the midst of His bitter suffering still calls out to John to see that His mother is taken care of. Of course He does, because Jesus is on that Cross precisely so that Mary and John and you and me would be cared for eternally. The Real Jesus there upon the cross fulfills Scripture – the story that He has told through the prophets of old, the promise He made to Adam and Eve that He would crush the Serpent for them, bruised heel be damned, that would be accomplished. Give Jesus the sour wine, it's the least of the bitterness He faces this day, but all the i's must be dotted and the t's crossed, every jot and tittle filled in.

    When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished,” and He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit.

    Whom do you seek? The Jesus that you will find here, the Jesus who will come and give Himself to you here is this Jesus, the Real Jesus, the Christ the Crucified Jesus. The It is Finished Jesus, who puts an end to sin by taking it up, the Jesus who puts an end to death by dying. The Jesus who gives up His Spirit, who pours out His Holy Spirit upon you by the preaching of His Word, of His Cross – so that you receive forgiveness and life, so that the Lord and Giver of life would make you live again. The Jesus who comes to you by water and blood – yes, now, finally the spear – now the water and blood from His riven side. Yes, now, Jesus for you in the waters of Holy Baptism – yes, even over and against all the hosts of hell you know that you, you O baptized child, you are covered by Christ. His death was for you. Yes, now, Jesus for you in the Supper, take and drink, the blood of Christ that was indeed, really, truly, actually shed for you – shed for the remission, the forgiveness, the removal, the defeat, the cleansing of all of your sin. It is finished – perfect, complete, fulfilled – all of it, all of it for you, nothing left for you to do. It is finished, even before any of us were born – the Real Jesus doesn't need you to bargain or plead or cut a deal with Him – the Real Jesus is the One who show His love for us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    Whom do you seek? Well, in someways, that doesn't overly matter. Your mistaken desires and misplaced expectations, the falseness and folly that we all carry with us into our dealings with God, into this building – Jesus doesn't stop being the Real Jesus, the Crucified, died and was buried Jesus for any of that. Sin is sin – and Jesus doesn't dance around it, He crucifies it. Here in this place Jesus seeks you, seeks to rescue and redeem you. He seeks to give you life. And so the Real Jesus dies. The Real Jesus is laid in His tomb – no stranger to a cemetery is He. And come the third day, my friends, because Jesus seeks you, wishes to see you, not just for a day, not just for a solemn hour on Friday night, but because Jesus seeks to see you freed from sin for all eternity and won unto everlasting life – the Real Jesus shall rise come the third day. In the Name of Christ the Crucified +

Maundy Thursday Sermon


In the Name of Christ the Crucified +

    “Do you understand what I have done to you?” Having washed the disciples feet, an act thought by those disciples to be most strange, Jesus asks this question – do you understand? Do you know it – have you experienced the things that I have done to you? And the answer that we all would have to give if we are being honest is no... or maybe if we're being generous, only partially. This is what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13 -  For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. We don't have the full understanding, not now, not until Christ returns and we are raised. Until the last day there will never be a Maundy Thursday where we gather and there's nothing more to learn or to know from our Lord, and so we learn again.

    You call Me teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do just as I have done to you. I have given you an example, I've set up a pattern that you can intimate. I've showed and pointed out what I've been doing all along. Foot washing is a demonstration of service – of service that is hard, that is somewhat gross, but one that also is actually good and that people benefit from. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. And Jesus just dives on in. When there is work that needs to be done, when there is service that needs to be given, when there is love that is to be loved, Jesus doesn't hesitate. Jesus doesn't worry about His dignity, there's no “Don't you know who I am” excuses given. He simply dives on in and serves. The focus is upon the one being served. This is how love works, this is how “agape” - charity, Christian care – works. Dive on in and serve the neighbor.

    And especially so if you have authority. The disciples rightly called Jesus their teacher, and the idea in their day was that the students served and obeyed the teacher. Well, yes – but the teacher also is to be constantly serving the disciples. The tasks the teacher sets the disciples on are to be for the disciples good – even if they don't understand it. And everything Jesus did with His disciples was done for their good, their benefit, their training. Everything the very Word of God Himself had written in the Scriptures was written for the disciples' benefit and for our benefit. And if Jesus will get a little bit dirty for our benefit, so be it. That's what you do when you love someone, when you're in charge, when you care. You show love.

    And we don't understand this fully, we don't experience it fully – this is because of the impact, the pull of sin, the constant taint and corruption that clings to us in this life. We don't love fully, we don't understand this fully. We worry about ourselves too much. We worry about what will happen to us, because we forget that our Father is in control and placing all things into His hands is the best place to be, no matter what comes. We worry about what people will think of us, as though opinions of our fellow servants trump what our Lord thinks and says of us. We worry about our own dignity, because we forget that our worth, our value isn't established by what we do but rather by Christ Jesus and the value He places upon us. We forget, we overlook, we turn away, we disdain. We sin.

    So Jesus comes to us again and again. Peter's disdain and shock didn't stop Jesus from being Jesus – Jesus still loved, still taught, still ended up washing Peter's feet even through Peter's protestations. This is what Jesus does for you – He comes to you again and again, even over and against the times where you've been stubborn or clueless or mean and nasty, and He gives Himself to you again, and again, He loves you again. This is the point of the Lord's Supper – this is why John tells this story to reinforce what we know of the Supper. The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. Yes, Jesus came and bathed you in holy baptism, but you don't do that multiple times – instead, you'll get the Supper, the over and over again cleansing and forgiveness where Jesus comes humbly under bread and wine to serve you and to love you again. The pattern, the example is set for the disciples and for us, and there's always more to ponder and wonder concerning Jesus' love.

    And yes, this is the example for you, that you are to love, to serve, to forgive. As He has done to you, so you are to do to others. Just as you struggle with sin, the neighbors Jesus has placed in your life will struggle with sin, and so they will need your love, your mercy, your care – or more accurately the love and mercy and care that Jesus shows them through you. They will need Jesus' forgiveness, and you'll be the one He uses to speak it. Because Jesus loves them, and He loves you, and He loves them through you and you through them. Love one another – back and forth, over and over again, thoroughly. Forgive one another – back and forth, over and over again. Because until our Lord returns, until the “perfect comes” that is what we all need.

    And remember where this love is, what it is grounded in. Having loved His own, He loved them to the end. Whenever you hear the word “end” or “finished” or “complete” or “perfect”, especially in John, they're actually the same word, or variations on the same word – telos. Jesus loved them to the finish – to the “it is finished” cry we will hear tomorrow, because on the Cross Jesus finishes, completes, perfects it all – He is the perfect, finished, complete One who will come again and because of His death and resurrection bring you to complete perfect finished everlasting life. The love that you receive, that you show, it's all grounded in the Cross, in the fact that there is no sin that Jesus has not covered, that there is no humiliation that Jesus will not bear for you, that there is no suffering or hardship which will drive Jesus away from you, there is no service to mean for Jesus to be with you in. All of it, it is finished, and Jesus loves you to the end, and He will come again and you will know, you will experience, you will live all of this undeterred by sin or sorrow eternally. Because Jesus always loves you, and He won't let shame or humiliation stop Him from loving you. Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? God grant us all to understand it more and more all of our days! In the Name of Christ the Crucified +

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Lent 5


In the Name of Christ the Crucified +

    Boy, Jesus just seems... mean to our ears today, doesn't He? I mean, aren't you a little bit taken aback at the vigor with which Jesus argues? Isn't Jesus supposed to be kind and loving, isn't He supposed to be nice and make me feel good? Part of the problem with hearing a text like this is we are Americans, which means we all live in a consumerist culture, where we are surrounded by salesmen and liars. So much of our world is driven by advertisements and PR firms, mastering the art of the deal. And, of course, if you are in sales, you do what you have to do to close the deal. As the old movie line goes – put that coffee down, coffee's for closers only. Do whatever you have to do to make the sale. And so, we as Americans are simply used to people selling us things – trying to win us over, trying to make us purchase something, choose brand X over brand Y. The customer is always right, right? Of course the problem with sales is that they aren't always the most truthful. The fast food burger in my bag at the drive thru just never quite looks like the one on the billboard. So often the gadget might be the latest, but the greatest is a stretch. Tin fiddles, lemons, pieces of junk. But we're used to it, we buy, we consume, and if the truth gets massaged or mangled a little bit on the way, so be it.

    But the problem for us today isn't just false advertising out there. We can end up importing this approach to how we view Church. There have been countless fads for how to market the church through the decades – movements to make it relevant or hit felt needs, attempts to make it more exciting or “extreme”. I think the hipster pastors are finally falling out of vogue, but I'm sure there will be some new sales trend for the church coming down the pike. And with all of them, if the truth is stretched or skirted around or twisted a bit, so be it – as long as it packs people in, as long as it closes the religious deal, it's good. If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. Come on, preacher, tell me what I want to hear!

    That's not what Jesus does. Jesus isn't interested in sales, manipulation, anything like that. His focus is on something else – the truth. And the fact is quite often we can't handle the truth. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. People are terrified of the truth. We're not used to it, we're used to the comfortable, enticing lie – and we like those lies. We like living in our denial. But Jesus doesn't come to play up those lies; He comes to rescue us from them. Just prior to our text, our Lord said “If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Free. Sound great, but it's freed from our sin, our delusions, the things we are stuck in. God's truth doesn't sell us anything, rather it confronts us, and it attacks and shakes us. Because it deals with the blunt truth and we don't like it.

    You see, God’s Law is an unpleasant thing. You want an example of God’s Law being unpleasant – look at our Old Testament lesson. Hear what God commands Abraham to do – Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering. . . . That’s a statement of Law right there. Isaac is going to die. And he deserves death. Abraham can’t argue against it – Abraham knows that he himself hasn’t done anything to earn this child –Abraham was old, so was Sarah, they shouldn’t have even ever gotten Isaac, and if God wants Isaac back… well, Abraham can’t gainsay God here. If God wants Isaac dead, well, that’s the wages of sin.

    That’s hard. That is hard to bear – that is a harsh truth. We don’t like that truth. Think about how much work and effort people will put into justifying themselves, into escaping the blame for something – even when there is no punishment, even when admitting that you’ve done wrong only might mean that someone doesn’t think as well of you for a few days. We will duck and dance – it’s not my fault. Oh, how we will try to sell that false image of ourselves! And what about when something doesn’t go right in our life - We will get angry and rail – how can you do this to me God! This is not proper customer service, I demand to talk to a manager! I don’t deserve this. Eh, that’s not true. Your toil in this life is nothing – you deserve death. Apart from God rescuing you, you're toast. That’s what the truth is, that what God says in His Word. That’s what gets the Pharisees in our Gosepl lesson so steamed at Jesus.

    Abraham trusted the Lord, though; Abraham knew that God’s Word was more than just a word of Law – but also a word of Gospel, a word of mercy. That’s why he’s bold to take Isaac, that’s why he tells the servants who stay behind that they both will come back down the mount – Abraham trusts in God’s mercy – God will provide the lamb for the sacrifice. And we see that God does do so – a ram is given to take Isaac’s place. Imagine the joy that Abraham would have had at being stopped, at looking up and seeing the ram and knowing that his Isaac would live. That's a real gift, not some disposable piece of junk found on markdown. This is the joy that Christ speaks of in the Gospel – Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad. Of course Abraham rejoiced – because God would spare Abraham’s son Isaac at the cost of His own Son, Christ Jesus. This is the heart of the Gospel – not that there are no consequences to sin, not that our sin doesn’t matter or doesn’t deserve death – but rather this – Christ Jesus has come and has born up the weight of sin in our place, that He suffers and dies for us upon the Cross, that with His death and resurrection He sets us free from sin and its burden. This is the great and wondrous word of the Gospel – this is what the Gospel truly is – that you are forgiven by God not on account of your works, not on account of your effort, but on account of the precious death and resurrection of Christ Jesus your Lord.

    And yet – the Pharisees in the text are still angry, still reject Christ after he explains this. People today still reject it. Why? Because the Gospel truth is this – that Jesus is your Savior. The Gospel makes sense only if you know and believe the Law. Jesus doesn’t get rid of the Law, He fulfills it to be your Savior. If Jesus is your Savior – it means that you need to be saved, it means that you sin, that you aren’t perfectly fine as you are, that you're not always the victim and sometimes some things actually are your fault. And Jesus isn't going to butter you up. You can’t preach the Gospel without preaching the Law first – because the two go hand in hand. And the people who try to ignore reality and God's Law will also have to reject the Gospel when they hear it. God's word reveals the truth that we are sinners and that we need Jesus, a Jesus who saves us, not a Jesus who placates us. So that's what Jesus does – He does whatever is required to win salvation and take on sin – even our sin, even the sin we like. And Jesus sticks to the truth; He won't hedge anything just to sell us on His plan. It's His way, not our way.

    So what do we make of all of this? We see that all too many people don’t like the truth of God’s Word. They don’t like the Law rightly preached – calling their sin what it is – sin, and pointing out that it is wrong and deserves punishment. They don’t like the Gospel either – the truth that God and God alone is our Savior, without any worth or merit in us. First, we need remember that this applies to us as well. It is not just people out there who do not like God’s truth – your own sinful flesh will rebel against it – we like to be catered to as well. That is why we have a focus on repentance, that is why we are to daily drown our old Adam and our desires and instead to be focused upon Christ. That is why we are to come here and hear preaching, hear absolution, receive Christ’s Body and Blood for our forgiveness and the strengthening of our faith – so that we ourselves don’t fall away.

    But also this. We are tempted, especially in this day and age, to soft sell God’s truth. To try and make it more appealing to sinful man, to accommodate people's sin, to play to “their truth” rather than God's truth. We are tempted to put what people want to hear over what God says. We are tempted to not be proclaimers of Christ Jesus, but rather peddlers of our own plans and programs. But let's be honest – that's not the way. Consider you yourself – you have been brought to faith and you have been kept in that faith by what – by God’s Word rightly preached and rightly taught. By the truth – the law in its sternness, the gospel in its sweetness. That’s the same thing the people who don’t believe right now need – the same thing your family and friends need as well. The truth is that they are in need of God’s love – to know that God richly loves them and offers them salvation and forgiveness – that this isn't a sales pitch with strings attached. Speak them the Word, over and over again, even if they don’t like it. That doesn’t mean be a jerk about it, but be honest and truthful, even when the truth is difficult and hard to hear, and the Holy Spirit will work faith when and where He wills. That’s why in the Scriptures we see Christ speak the truth. And He speaks it over and over again – and some never like it – but because our Lord preaches again and again – some do end up believing. Because the Apostles preach God’s Word in its truth, some do end up believing. Because faithful Christians, Pastors, parents, friends spoke God’s Word in truth and purity to you, you believe. God grant that we would speak God’s Word rightly, so that others might know what God’s truth is, so that the Holy Spirit might work, not through the plans we dream up, but that the Spirit might work through the Word which He places upon our lips.

    The world doesn't need another salesman. It doesn't need more deals or discounts. It needs to be rescued and delivered from the pervasive power of Satan, that runs lies and deceit and death and chaos all around us. And this is what Christ Jesus does, and He does so continually and faithfully in His Word and Sacraments. This is our hope, and it never changes. In the Name of Christ the Crucified +