Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Installation Sermon for Gregory Brown

 (From last September)

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +

Sometimes we're too formal with the Bible, too stuffy with how we read it. Especially the famous passages – we keep that old style King James language and everything seems regal and high and mighty. Our Gospel lesson is one of those passages, where it seems like it ought to be read with a booming, majestic voice – Go, therefore, and make disciples... We hear it like a King giving orders, a Grand Commission. A teacher giving holy homework – and you probably haven't gotten enough of it done, and don't you dare say the dog ate it. That's not the point of this gospel text. This Gospel text is in fact describing the simple reality of why we are here to day – that in this wandering, roaming world, God in His wisdom has seen to it that Gregory Brown has wandered into your life here at Our Savior and that all of you have wandered on into his, and that this is for both of your benefit and the glory of the Kingdom of God.

So, after the resurrection, Jesus gathers the disciples, who are still confused and amazed and all mixed up, and Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Now, hear this rightly. We're sinful people – we hear that word “authority” and think it means “the right to boss people around.” I'm in charge here – and if Jesus is dropping the authority word it means He's large and in charge and when He says jump we better say how high. That's not Jesus' point here. Whenever Jesus brings up “authority” in the Gospel, its tied to the forgiveness of sin – it's the authority not to boss people around but to rescue them from sin, death, and the devil. Think on the guy who can't walk, and Jesus says, “Take heart, My son, your sins are forgiven” - and people have a conniption about Jesus forgiving sins, and Jesus says, “But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the paralytic— “Rise, pick up your bed and go home.” Authority for Jesus is a forgiveness word. And there Jesus stands before His disciples – He Himself is raised not just from a paralytic's bed but from the dead – yes, disciples, see Me risen and know that My authority to forgive sins and give life is complete and full. There is forgiveness, there is the resurrection of the body, there is the life of the world to come. Period. All forgiving authority is Mine.

That's where Jesus is starting this discussion – His forgiveness is real. His victory or sin and death and the devil is real. It is solid. It is complete. It is finished. This isn't Jesus getting ready to boss you around, this is Jesus reminding you that He's kick Satan's backside and that the old Serpent is defeated. And then Jesus says, “Go, therefore, and make disciple...” Okay, pause – this sounds too grand in the English, it sounds like a command but it's not – it's a promise. Allow me to give a folksy paraphrase. I've beaten the tar out of Satan, and I've won forgiveness and life, so you know what this means? You're going to go about your lives, and wherever you go, because I have died and risen, this is what's going to happen. You're going to make disciples, because I've risen from the dead and won forgiveness and where there is forgiveness, there will be disciples. And you're going to be baptizing them, because that's how you make them disciples, that's how you give them forgiveness. And wherever there's baptized people, you're going to teach them to “observe all that I have commanded you” - you're going to have them pay attention to My Word of forgiveness and life, and you're going to bring them to My Supper that I told you guys to celebrate for the forgiveness of sins. And in this, in this Baptism, this preaching and teaching, this Supper, I will be with you always, even until the end of the age, bringing My forgiveness to you here until I bring you to ever lasting life.

Jesus isn't wagging an angry, disappointed finger at you in this text. He's describing life at Our Savior, He's promising you that there will be forgiveness here. Gregory, you're going to wander into this Momence place, and if there are people who need to be baptized, baptize them. And I've got people here who need preaching – preach to them. They need teaching, go teach them. Bring them the supper. And you dear saints of God here in Momence – you got someone you need baptized – bring them to this guy. You got questions about the Bible, or fears, or doubts – sins that trouble you. Come to this guy – and he'll speak My Word to you, teaching and forgiving you. He'll place My own Body and Blood upon your lips – and don't worry because in the midst of all this – pastor and congregation living together in My Word of forgiveness, there I will be always, even to the end of the age.

Because Jesus has died for you, and He has risen for you. This is the truth, this is just the reality of things. And your life together here, Pastor and people, the congregation gathered around this font and this lectern and this pulpit and this altar is all living in Jesus' authority, Jesus' victory over sin and death and the power of the devil. And to see that this place remains centered in Christ, God has sent Gregory Brown here via this congregation's call – and he's going to publicly promise and swear to preach Jesus and forgive sins here, and you're going to publicly promise and swear to support him and let him preach Jesus and forgive sins here. And it's good. This is how Jesus sees that His forgiving and resurrecting authority gets proclaimed in this neck of the woods. So enjoy going on your way together, because you're together on Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus has won, it's all good, and good for you together in Him. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +

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